Friday, October 29, 2010

Home Gadget Fest: Gizmos and goodies for your home!

A few of the latest and greatest gadgets for your home! Some for simplicity, some for convenience, and some just because they're cool, which ones will you add to your wish list?

Hidden flat screen tv's. Very 'Sherlock Homes' yet functional if you like a more tailored and sophisticated living space. Slide the art in place until you're ready for some tv time.

Toe kick vacuum. By far the most useful of new home gizmos, this 'vacuum' is mounted right underneath your cabinetry and instead of bending over to sweep up with a dustpan you just sweep the mess right into the vacuum space and it's picked up by your central vac.

Wall mounted garage door opener. For those garages that don't allow for a traditional garage door opener, there are no rails required, the unit simply mounts to the wall.

Electronic dog/cat doors. There are a variety of these on the market. Basically your pet wears a collar that contains either a magnetic or infrared device that unlocks the dog door allowing them in and keeping strays and unwanted animals out.

Fingerprint door locks. For extra security there are dozens of fingerprint door locks. Use them on your front door, garage door, or even an office to keep unwanted visitors out.

Automatic blinds and curtains. No need to mention the convenience of having remote controlled window shades but especially great for tall windows or skylights that are out of reach. What's even better is that you can get cordless electric blinds which have added security for small children that like to play with strings and cords.

-5280 Lady


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